Bleach 660 Manga | Bleach 660 Spoiler

Catch the latest bleach 660 spoilers, Read bleach 660 scans Online. bleach chapter 660 can be read in this page and will be updated to bring you the anticipated scanlations on its release date.We will get bleach chapter 660 the moment it will be release, so be sure to check this page regularly for the update. My prediction is, Haschwalth will use psychological warfare on Uryuu and Ichigo. He is an ancient being who has been around a master – and Bach is a master of manipulation – for a 1000 years.

bleach 660 chapter

I was not expecting to see Ishida at all in this chapter let alone an Ichigo/Ishida reunion. It was very refreshing to see these two characters again. Not only that, we got a flashback with Ishida which I have been waiting for for a long time. My prediction is that either Ishida will reveal that he is not a traitor to Ichigo and Haschwalth or something big will happen that causes even more tension between Ichigo and Ishida. If the latter happens, only then can I see Ishida officially siding with Ywach. (Out of stubbornness and Quincy pride.) It was also nice to see Momo. I hope the next couple of chapters might focus a little bit on the relationship between Momo and Toushiro.

I still believe Uryuu joined because Haschwalth knew exactly what to say, what buttons to press, to get Uryuu to follow him into the Wandenreich. And I believe Haschwalth, also with the help of the Almighty, will know exactly what to say, how to goad Uryuu and Ichigo into a deadly fight. One possibility is: Haschwalth was framing Uryuu because he wanted an excuse to kill him. He knows that Uryuu is a potential danger to Bach. Bach is asleep right now and can`t stop him. Haschwalth knows that Bach wants to use Uryuu for some purpose he is aware of. To get rid of Uryuu who is a threat but also a rival when it comes to being close to Bach, he has to do this now. Bach can make use of Uryuu any time now. About the autopsy: This was not about investigating a known human illness. What killed Katagiri was rooted in her Quincy side. A human doctor who has no idea what a Quincy is, who is spiritually blind, is not qualified to find the answers Ryuuken was looking for. As I also said in my review, I am not blaming Ryuuken at all for performing an autopsy. I am blaming him to be so thoughtless, so careless to leave the door open that made it possible for his young son to watch and be traumatized. And after Ryuuken realized this, he didn`t seem to care. Ryuuken`s wife is dead. His son is alive and needs him. But instead he was basically treated as being invisible, being abandoned. This flashback certainly turns his encounter with Mayuri and the knowledge what he did to his grandfather as well as so many others even more serious and his reaction became even more understandable. I was wondering before and I am definitely wondering now, how Uryuu would react if he encounters Mayuri and his even more monstrous Bankai now.

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