Fairy Tail 472 Manga – Laxus Vs Wahl

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fairy tail 472 chapter

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Laxus better get a good fight, he hasn’t had one in a LONG time. I don’t want Laxus to steamroll Wahl, which judging by the picture in the spoilers, isn’t the case so I’m hyped for that. It’s still unclear what Wahl’s full capabilities are, it seems he’s obviously part Robot but aside from having freaking RPG’s on his arm, what else can he do? I swear this dudes about to call in an AC-130 XD. Judging from the panel it looks like Laxus is about to get hit with a beam, I’m like 90% sure he’s just going to tank it and continue fighting, although I wonder how long until his sickness kicks in? That’s going to be his downfall and my guess is Gray, Erza and others will save him at that point. Or, It would be even more interesting if Acnologia shows up, but I don’t want Laxus to die so I don’t want Acnologia to show up lol. There’s also still Neinhart who has yet to make an appearance, my guess is he’ll come unexpectedly, wreck Erza and Kagura, and then at that point Jellal comes in to save them, that would be epic. Seems like a good chapter, hopefully Laxus’s fight with Wahl goes on for a decent amount of time.