Fairy Tail 486 Manga | Fairy Tail 486 Spoiler

Catch the latest fairy tail 486 spoilers, Read fairy tail 486 scans Online. fairy tail chapter 486 can be read in this page and will be updated to bring you the anticipated scanlations on its release date.We will get fairy tail chapter 486 the moment it will be release, so be sure to check this page regularly for the update. Lots of good stuff this chapter it looks like. I am so scared with how much hype August and Irene are getting, because i feel like it can’t really be delivered upon. We just have to wait on that though, i hope i’m wrong. Gajeel vs Bradman has me hyped to say the least. Saber Tooth looks like they are getting back in the fight too, so that’s cool. Looking forward to Minerva in particular, it’s weird how i did not like Minerva very much when she was a villain, now i seem to think much better of her.

fairy tail 486 chapter

fairy tail 486 manga

I guess that happens a decent bit for me though when it comes to FT, we’ll finally see Gajil DF (can’t wait for it) . I wonder whose face is behind bloodman mask and he seems cruel (can it be possible for this spriggan to be a woman?) I can’t recall that we’ve seen somebody talking about “him” (using “he”) any way. August is an old and wise man (and Brandish pointed it out again last time) so I really don’t get the fact that he follows Zeref orders like a puppet. I mean he should have a noble (superior) quest than playing the puppy for his emperor. Do the spriggan really know Zeref goal (=> humanity annihilation and they are part of this humanity). Why do I have a damn feeling that natsu will screw up the negotiations…. I agree with you when you say Irene will head up to FT HQ and let the 2 S12 to deal with FT/ST/BP but I think she’ll send her girls to join the battle. I don’t really like the idea of Lucy and Happy also accompanying Natsu and Brandish, and them never ending story’ing out of Magnolia on a big happy just seems too never ending story-ish for me. The line from Mavis at the crystal when she’s talking to Cana about how she cares about Cana because she reminds her of Zera really does feel very forced imo, and thats a bit disappointing as well. The north seems to be the better part of the chapter, with Sabertooth joining the fight once more and us seemingly getting Gajeel vs Bradman. The north seems to be the saving grace of the chapter from what we know about it imo, so hopefully the chapter is better than what the spoilers have told us or I think I’ll be somewhat disappointed by it.

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